How Does RSB International Help its Clients Address Risks?

How Does RSB International Help its Clients Address Risks?

03 Nov 2021 |Author: Jeff Sinclair; Olivier Scherlofsky

RSB International's clients mitigate security and compliance risks based on approaches tailored to specific and current threat assessments; while factoring in corporate realities, needs, and priorities. We design solutions as either (a) comprehensive full-service programs, (b) select tailored projects, or (c) ad hoc / in-extremis need-based operations (such as Enhanced Due Diligence; or effective Rapid Crisis Response).

RSB International's unique solutions include:

  • Human Intelligence (HUMINT). Local investigators vetted by RSB with access to our proprietary tools conduct on the ground (Grid Edge) assessments of business partners and investors. In-country, hands-on investigations often uncover individual past behaviors and business practices not detectable in digital analyses.
  • Imagery Intelligence. Fully integrated use of imagery collection tools, both "routine" and "persistent", based upon the client's requirements. RSB combines commercial satellite imagery with low-level aerial and ground-based sensors to verify declared business operations or to detect activities not previously reported or known. Our analysts integrate these collection assets (e.g. backed by the deployment of UAS operators) with unique anomaly detection software to provide real-time and actionable information to our clients. This capability is invaluable in physical asset security assessments; and detecting fraud or illegal or reputational risk business practices.
  • Digital Cyber Defense and Tracing. RSB utilizes an evolving suite of software and emerging best practices in Cyber Business Threat Intelligence. We specialize in hardening systems to protect our clients from an ever-changing threat landscape in the digital domain. Additionally, when a client requires a solution in a crisis or after an actual or perceived financial or intellectual property loss, we employ unique tracing solutions to identify threat actors and legally recover assets.

RSB International tailors the right solution at the right time for our clients. We specialize in creating a picture or pattern in complex, decisive environments where businesses and associated profits are at risk. Our solutions allow leaders and managers to make critical fact-based decisions ahead of threat actors and industry competitors.